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Stamped decorative motif on pottery vessel from Montgomery County, North Carolina, AD 1200-1400.

Welcome to the Teachers section of the Ancient NC website. This area was created specifically with teachers in mind. Currently, this section provides access to learning materials and lesson plans created by the RLA. With the closing of LearnNC, we also hope to move over all materials related to American Indians in order to ensure permanent access to lesson plans teachers may find helpful.

Lesson Plans & Resources is the section where you can find lesson plans that help students learn about archaeology as well as the ancient peoples that lived here and those who represent today’s vibrant American Indian populations.

FAQ provides answers to some of the most common questions that people have about archaeology. You may also find this useful for answering your students’ questions about archaeology. If you find that you have a question that has not been answered, please contact us and let us know!

Misconceptions is a section where we cover some of the most common erroneous ideas that people have about archaeologists. You can think about this page as going hand-in-hand with the FAQ page.

Links is a page where we have gathered up a number of additional teaching resources provided by other organizations around the United States. This also includes Resources geared specifically towards students.