Cherokee county is located in the Appalachian Summit region. Below you can see a selection of artifacts that were found in this area.
Shell gorget from the Peachtree mound in Cherokee Co., NC
Shell pin from the Peachtree mound in Cherokee Co., NC
Shell pins from the Peachtree mound in Cherokee Co., NC
Chipped-stone arrow points and scrapers from the Townson site in Cherokee Co., NC
Stone celt from the Peachtree mound in Cherokee Co., NC
Stone celts from the Peachtree mound in Cherokee Co., NC
Stone pipes from the Peachtree mound in Cherokee Co., NC
Stone pipe from the Peachtree mound in Cherokee Co., NC
Stone pipe from the Peachtree mound in Cherokee Co., NC
Stone pipe from the Peachtree mound in Cherokee Co., NC
Clay ear pins from the Peachtree mound in Cherokee Co., NC
Check-stamped bowl from the Peachtree mound in Cherokee Co., NC