Lessons by Subject Area
1.1 Why is the Past Important?
1.5 Chronology: The Time of My Life
1.6 Classification and Attributes
2.1 Gridding a Site
2.4 Tree-Ring Dating
2.5 Archaeobotany
2.7 Experimental Archaeology: Making Cordage
2.11 Inference by Analogy
4.1 Shadows of North Carolina’s Past
4.3 Name That Point!
4.5 A Siouan Village
4.7 North Carolina Place Names
5.2 Rock Art
5.4 Artifact Ethics
5.5 Site Robbers
1.1 Why is the Past Important?
1.5 Chronology: The Time of My Life
1.6 Classification and Attributes
2.1 Gridding a Site
2.2 Stratigraphy and Cross-Dating
2.4 Tree-Ring Dating
2.5 Archaeobotany
2.6 Measuring Pots
2.7 Experimental Archaeology: Making Cordage
2.8 Mending Pottery
2.10 Archaeological Soils
2.11 Inference by Analogy
4.1 Shadows of North Carolina’s Past
4.3 Name That Point!
4.5 A Siouan Village
5.2 Rock Art
5.3 Creating Your Own Rock Art
5.5 Site Robbers
1.1 Why is the Past Important?
1.5 Chronology: The Time of My Life
2.4 Tree-Ring Dating
2.7 Experimental Archaeology: Making Cordage
2.8 Mending Pottery
2.11 Inference by Analogy
3.1 The Pathfinders
4.1 Shadows of North Carolina’s Past
4.5 A Siouan Village
4.7 North Carolina Place Names
5.2 Rock Art
5.4 Artifact Ethics
5.5 Site Robbers
2.7 Experimental Archaeology: Making Cordage
2.8 Mending Pottery
5.2 Rock Art
2.7 Experimental Archaeology: Making Cordage
2.10 Archaeological Soils
2.11 Inference by Analogy
4.3 Name That Point!