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1.2 Culture Everywhere

1.3 Observation and Inference

1.5 Chronology: The Time of My Life

1.6 Classification and Attributes

1.7 Scientific Inquiry

1.8 It’s in the Garbage

2.1 Gridding a Site

2.2 Stratigraphy and Cross-Dating

2.3 Artifact Classification

2.4 Tree-Ring Dating

2.5 Archaeobotany

2.6 Measuring Pots

2.7 Experimental Archaeology: Making Cordage

2.8 Mending Pottery

2.9 Looking at an Object

2.10 Archaeological Soils

2.11 Inference by Analogy

4.1 Shadows of North Carolina’s Past

4.2 Shifting Coastlines

4.3 Name That Point!

4.5 A Siouan Village

4.6 Language Families

4.7 North Carolina Place Names

5.2 Rock Art

5.3 Creating Your Own Rock Art

5.5 Site Robbers

5.7 Take Action, Save the Past


1.1 Why is the Past Important?

1.3 Observation and Inference

1.4 Archaeological Context

1.5 Chronology: The Time of My Life

1.6 Classification and Attributes

1.7 Scientific Inquiry

1.8 It’s in the Garbage

2.1 Gridding a Site

2.2 Stratigraphy and Cross-Dating

2.3 Artifact Classification

2.4 Tree-Ring Dating

2.5 Archaeobotany

2.6 Measuring Pots

2.7 Experimental Archaeology: Making Cordage

4.1 Shadows of North Carolina’s Past

4.2 Shifting Coastlines

4.3 Name That Point!

4.5 A Siouan Village

5.1 Archaeology as a Career

5.2 Rock Art

5.4 Artifact Ethics

5.7 Take Action, Save the Past


1.3 Observation and Inference

1.4 Archaeological Context

1.5 Chronology: The Time of My Life

1.6 Classification and Attributes

2.1 Gridding a Site

2.2 Stratigraphy and Cross-Dating

2.4 Tree-Ring Dating

2.5 Archaeobotany

2.6 Measuring Pots

2.7 Experimental Archaeology: Making Cordage

4.1 Shadows of North Carolina’s Past

4.4 Pottery Traditions

4.5 A Siouan Village

5.1 Archaeology as a Career

5.2 Rock Art


1.1 Why is the Past Important?

1.2 Culture Everywhere

1.3 Observation and Inference

1.4 Archaeological Context

1.5 Chronology: The Time of My Life

1.6 Classification and Attributes

1.7 Scientific Inquiry

1.8 It’s in the Garbage

2.1 Gridding a Site

2.2 Stratigraphy and Cross-Dating

2.3 Artifact Classification

2.4 Tree-Ring Dating

2.5 Archaeobotany

2.6 Measuring Pots

2.7 Experimental Archaeology: Making Cordage

2.8 Mending Pottery

2.9 Looking at an Object

2.10 Archaeological Soils

2.11 Inference by Analogy

4.1 Shadows of North Carolina’s Past

4.2 Shifting Coastlines

4.3 Name That Point!

4.7 North Carolina Place Names

5.1 Archaeology as a Career

5.2 Rock Art

5.4 Artifact Ethics

5.5 Site Robbers

5.6 A Guided Journey into the Past

5.7 Take Action, Save the Past


1.1 Why is the Past Important?

1.2 Culture Everywhere

1.3 Observation and Inference

1.4 Archaeological Context

1.5 Chronology: The Time of My Life

1.6 Classification and Attributes

2.1 Gridding a Site

2.2 Stratigraphy and Cross-Dating

2.4 Tree-Ring Dating

2.5 Archaeobotany

2.6 Measuring Pots

2.7 Experimental Archaeology: Making Cordage

2.10 Archaeological Soils

2.11 Inference by Analogy

4.1 Shadows of North Carolina’s Past

4.2 Shifting Coastlines

4.3 Name That Point!

4.4 Pottery Traditions

4.5 A Siouan Village

4.6 Language Families

4.7 North Carolina Place Names

5.1 Archaeology as a Career

5.2 Rock Art


1.4 Archaeological Context

1.8 It’s in the Garbage

2.5 Archaeobotany

2.7 Experimental Archaeology: Making Cordage

2.11 Inference by Analogy

4.4 Pottery Traditions

5.3 Creating Your Own Rock Art

5.4 Artifact Ethics

5.5 Site Robbers

5.6 A Guided Journey into the Past

5.7 Take Action, Save the Past