Warren county is located in the Northeastern Piedmont region. Below you can see a selection of artifacts that were found in this area.
Chipped-stone biface from the Eaton Ferry site in Warren Co., NC
Clay pipe fragment from the Eaton Ferry site in Warren Co., NC
Savannah River Stemmed spear point from the Eaton Ferry site in Warren Co., NC
Woodland arrow points and biface from the Eaton Ferry site in Warren Co., NC
Woodland arrow points from the Eaton Ferry site in Warren Co., NC
Chipped-stone biface from the Eaton Ferry site in Warren Co., NC
Grinding stone fragment from the Eaton Ferry site in Warren Co., NC
Grinding stone fragment from the Eaton Ferry site in Warren Co., NC
Chipped-stone spear point from the Eaton Ferry site in Warren Co., NC
Woodland arrow points from the Eaton Ferry site in Warren Co., NC
Woodland arrow points from the Eaton Ferry site in Warren Co., NC
Archaic spear points and Woodland arrow points from the Eaton Ferry site in Warren Co., NC