Swain county is located in the Appalachian Summit region. Below you can see a selection of artifacts that were found in this area.
Stone celt from the Tuckasegee mound in Swain Co., NC
Stone celt from the Tuckasegee mound in Swain Co., NC
Stone pipe from the Birdtown mound in Swain Co., NC
Stone pipe from the Tuckasegee mound in Swain Co., NC
Stone celt from Swain Co., NC
Qualla Complicated Stamped jar from the Birdtown mound in Swain Co., NC
Late nineteenth-century Cherokee check stamped pan from Swain Co., NC
Late nineteenth-century Cherokee burnished bowl from Swain Co., NC
Late nineteenth-century Cherokee complicated stamped jar from Swain Co., NC
Late nineteenth-century Cherokee plain bowl from Swain Co., NC
Late nineteenth-century Cherokee plain bowl from Swain Co., NC
Late nineteenth-century Cherokee check stamped bowl from Swain Co., NC