Davie county is located in the Northwestern Piedmont region. Below you can see a selection of artifacts that were found in this area.
Hardaway, Palmer, and Kirk spear points from Davie Co., NC
Big Sandy Side-Notched spear points from Davie Co., NC
Stanly Stemmed spear points from Davie Co., NC
Morrow Mountain Stemmed spear points from Davie Co., NC
Guilford Lanceolate spear points from Davie Co., NC
Savannah River Stemmed spear points from Davie Co., NC
Large triangular spear points from Davie Co., NC
Small triangular arrow points from Davie Co., NC
Randolph Stemmed arrow points from Davie Co., NC
Drills, knives, and bifaces from Davie Co., NC
Stemmed and notched spear points from Davie Co., NC
Clay pipe from the Bahnson site in Davie Co., NC